Building a Catapult
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The catapult that is described
here will throw a water balloon several hundred feet. Obviously if you reduce
the dimensions of the components the distances you can throw will change
Equipment List
Quantity |
Item |
Comments |
3 |
2.4m (8ft) spars (front
face) |
All spars must be good quality. DO
NOT use dowelling. |
3 |
4.5m (15ft) spars (back
brace) |
1 |
4.5m (15ft) spar (throwing
arm) |
Best results will come from a good
but relatively thin spar. |
1 |
1m (3.5ft) spar (throwing
arm cross piece) |
Must be strong |
15m (50ft) |
.6cm (1/4in) or thicker rope |
Launching rope |
7 X 3.5m (12ft) |
.6cm (1/4in) rope |
These are for lashing. I prefer braided nylon or better
still, braided polyester. |
1 |
double pulley or 2 single pulleys |
Must fit the launching rope above. |
1 |
throwing tin |
(see diagram below) |
2 X 1/2m
(20in) |
.6cm (1/4in) rope |
to attach pulley(s) and throwing tin |
1 supply |
water balloons |
Step 1 - Build front face triangle
Lay out the 2.4m spars as shown in the diagram and lash the
spars together with a square lashing where they cross. |
Step 2 - Attach the back supports
Lash the back brace spars to the front
face triangle as shown in the diagram. Note: The two side spars should be
lashed to the inside of the triangle about 2/3 of the way up from the
bottom. The bottom spar should be
attached on the outside. |
Step 3 - Build the throwing arm
- Lash the throwing arm cross piece to the bottom side of the throwing
arm about 1m (3.5Ft) back from the thickest end. If the throwing arm
has a curve in it make sure the apex of the curve is up (see diagram).
- Attach the throwing tin to the tip of the throwing arm.
Step 4 - Assemble the catapult
- Set the completed throwing arm into the catapult as shown.
- Attach the pulley(s) to the end of the lower back support.
- Attach the middle of the launching rope with a clove hitch to the
large end of the throwing arm.
- Run the two ends of the launching rope through the pulley(s) and lay
them back beside the two back supports.

here to see photo! |
Step 5 - Safety considerations
The excitement of watching the water balloon sail out and hit
its mark is the fun of building a catapult. However, what goes up will also come
down and the throwing arm is no exception. Once the balloon is launched all eyes
will follow the balloon and unfortunately not the decent of the arm. One person
MUST act as safety control and control the decent of the arm. (see the diagram).
This means that they must stand just in front of the catapult and keep their
hand on the short end of the throwing arm. The same person can check the path of
the throwing arm before they call "fire" to ensure everyone is

here to see photo!
Step 6 - Operation
Assign youth to pull the launching ropes. Depending on their
strength and size, you can assign several on each rope. When the the water
balloon is in the tin and the everyone is clear of the arm the safety control
person should yell "fire" and both ropes pulled. If the throwing arm
is heavy then the safety control person may want to assist the throw by pushing
down on the throwing arm extension. (Remember to control the descent of the arm
after the water balloon has been thrown.)
Step 7 - Have fun!
As with all games a set of rules will help keep the
excitement under control. If you are building several catapults to throw
balloons at each other, then here are some simple rules that have work for me.
- No balloons will be thrown until all the catapults are
built and operational. (This keeps the focus of the teams on the building
- No balloons will be thrown by hand.
- Only water balloons can be thrown.
Throwing Tin
The throwing tin is made from a large coffee tin. The side is cut down to
a 8cm (3in) height and the edge is turned over. Two slots 1.25cm (.5in)wide X 10cm
(4in)long, about 2.5cm (1in) apart. (see diagram). Tape the edges with
duct tape. (Note: If the tin is to be used on several occasions then add a
stiffener that fits inside the tin between the two slots and extends out to the
sides. Hold it in place with more tape!)

printable version "Building a catapult.doc" (45k)